Useful facts and tips!
Making latex clothing yourself is super fun!
You can do that for yourself, for your circle of friends or become a commercial and latex designer and start your own latex label, latex brand. And that is perfectly possible from an attic or at the kitchen table of course.
You can start your own webshop, or sell the latex clothing via Marktplaats, Etsy, Ebay, go to fairs and parties, etc. But of course you have to prepare well for a while. Because what about latex allergy exactly? How heavy is latex? And how should you maintain, care for and store latex clothing? And many more useful latex facts.

Different color systems RAL RGB CMYK Pantone
Scroll the page and you will soon know more... Read more

How do we make the right latex colors?
It seems so easy ... "just" make a latex sheet in a certain color. But it is super difficult! Read more

How do color differences in latex occur?
Latex can differ in color ... red is not always red ... Read more

Help... my latex is discolouring... how is that possible?
Latex is a natural product and will discolour after a few years unfortunately... Read more

Different look latex due to different background color
A little bit of latex color knowledge... Read more

Structure latex and colors...
Textured latex is super cool, but the effect is only visible with dark colors... Read more

I am looking for (extra) white latex
Many of our customers are looking for white latex. Unfortunately, we always have to disappoint them. Because it is very simple… white latex does not exist! Read more

Care of latex
Latex clothing can last for years, if properly maintained. Hereby we give you some tips. Read more

How do you maintain and store latex and rubber clothing?
A lot of nonsense has been told about this in the fetish scene for many years. So we would like to tell you how it should be done. Read more

Water stains and / or a gray / white haze on my latex
Latex and rubber clothing becomes slightly lighter when it comes into contact with water (or other liquids, sweat, rain, etc.). Black latex becomes gray, red latex also gets a gray haze, etc. Read more

Bulges in my latex sheet / clothing
Suddenly they are there ... strange bulges in the latex, as if marbles had been underneath ... Read more

What is a latex allergy?
Latex allergies cause allergies to latex products. Various types of allergic reactions are possible. Read more